School Safety
Please read and become familiar with the Lake Washington School District policies on building emergencies and schedule changes due to weather, power failure and other events.
Building Emergencies
In order to maintain open communication lines, you are asked NOT to call the school. Parent phone calls tie up the system and may prevent staff from necessary communication with public safety officials. The school is equipped with food, water, first aid materials and other supplies to ensure that your child will be safely cared for. The school is not authorized to dismiss school early unless so directed by the LWSD administration.
If school is dismissed early, please come to the front of the school and follow directions of the staff.
Emergency release: You must have photo ID to pick up your child. Complete the emergency forms carefully. Please designate more than one local friend, neighbor or relative who can pick up your child in the event of an emergency. Be sure to notify these people that they are authorized to pick up your child, and give them the name of your child's teacher, if possible. Also, be sure that your child knows who is authorized to take him/her home in case of an emergency.
Please bring your patience. It will take time to release more than 600 students, and your child's safety in our paramount concern.
Building Lockdown
Occasionally, the building principal may make the decision, in coordination with local public safety officials, to lock down the school. No one may come or go from the school during a lockdown. If you hear on the radio or television that the school is in a lockdown, do not call or come to the school. Phone calls will not be answered and you may place yourself in harm's way, or hinder the work of law enforcement officials.
Summary Link Web Part
- Emergency Operating Schedule Information about school closure, late start and limited bus service due to severe weather conditions or other emergencies. The district makes announcements about emergency plans through radio, TV, internet and phone.
- School Closure Decisions The decision to close or delay schools in emergencies such as snow, ice or power outages is a complex process. Safety is the main priority. Learn more about how and why the district decides to close schools.
- Staying Connected The district uses School Messenger, a parent notification system, to reach parents with routine and emergency messages. Learn when parents will get messages and how to change which phone or email they go to.