We want to encourage and support your student/s in attending and participating in class each day.
Here are important things to remember regarding Attendance/Early pick-ups-
1. In order to maximize safety and streamline communication, we are working as a school to make attendance an office-facing process.
2. Please follow the steps outlined below to report an absence (you are always welcome to cc the teacher in Parent Square as well). If the office is not contacted, the absence will remain unexcused in Skyward until we confer.
By notifying the office by 8:45am, we can happily coordinate a practical pick-up time to minimize class disruption and get you to your appointments on time
Report your attendance (in order of priority – do not use all)
- Parent Square – send ParentSquare to "Gowri Vaidyanathan" and CC classroom teacher's ParentSquare
- Skyward – Family access (preferred)
- Dial – 425-936-2671
Please provide following information- ( speak slowly if calling in )
- Student’s first & last name -- (Spell last name)
- Grade –
- Teacher’s Name –
- Date –
- Time – (if picking up early or arriving late)
- Reason – (this step is a must *otherwise marked as unexcused absence)
Request to pick up your student before or after recess / lunch as its difficult to locate the student/s during recess or lunch-recess, and then send back to class to get their belongings and head to office.
Please refer to our Daily Schedule for timing sent through ParentSquare weekly newsletter.
If your student is going to be absent for 5 or more days, please fill out the “Pre-Arranged Absence From” prior to the start of the absence date. Form is available on the District Website, on the school website, send a request for electronic version or hard copy is available in the school office.