Library Class Rules
- Respect yourself
- Respect others
- Respect materials and equipment
- Obey school personnel
- Follow school rules
Library Class Expectations
- Active Participation - Focus on and engage in the class lesson or activity
- Follow directions the first time they are given
- Stay on task
- Use quiet voices - the library is a place for people to read, think and study
- Pick up after yourself - return shelf markers, replace books, push in chairs, return borrowed supplies, leave computers in proper order when finished
- Complete class assignments
- Checkout library materials on a regular basis - students demonstrate ability to use a lending library by self-selecting reading materials, locating the materials, and following the checkout and return policies and procedures. This is their "assignment" each week
- Use checkout time wisely - Ten to fifteen minutes of each class visit is set aside for students to select, checkout and enjoy their books. Students who are not able to checkout because they have overdue books or have chosen not to checkout are still expected to read something quietly during the class checkout period
- Be responsible for self, time, materials and property.
Behavior Expectations
All students are expected to follow library and school rules at all times. If a student is having difficulty following the rules, the following procedures are applied:
- A reminder with eye contact, physical proximity and/or verbal reminder
- If the behavior continues, the student will receive another reminder and may be removed from the activity until they are ready to join the class and follow the rules/expectations. Classroom teacher will be notified
- If the behavior still continues, the student may be removed from the activity and moved to another place in the library for the remainder of class. Classroom teacher will be notified
In the case of a severe disruption the student will be asked to leave the library, and sit out the remainder of the class period in the office. Classroom teacher, principal and parent will be notified.